Wednesday, November 5, 2008


24歲的Hidekazu Nishikido先生近來升遷,即使擁有較高的薪水與頭銜,Hidekazu Nishikido並沒有比較快樂.升遷後,經常加班超過10點,沒有時間陪女朋友,於是向主管婉拒了公司的殊榮.
文中用Hodo-Hodo Zoku, (馬馬虎虎族?)來形容這一類20-30歲初族群:找份輕鬆的工作糊口,寧可接受較低的薪資以減少工作的責任與壓力
連載漫畫Otary-man, 描述一個沒有職業目標的上班族,老是擔心同事把文案推到他的辦公桌而不求工作表現,此書的暢銷也闡明了現象的普遍
Hidekazu Nishikido的主管,31歲的Miya Matsumoto試了各種方法激勵,從電影舉例到下班後的party,甚至以她個人成功體驗來說明努力工作與享有比較好的生活品質.
然而,Hidekazu Nishikido卻有不同的看法.他認為,Miya Matsumoto對工作的熱忱過頭,失去了平衡
當Miya Matsumoto為了處理工作的緊急事件而把生病的寶寶留在家給丈夫照顧,Hidekazu Nishikido清楚了解到,這不是他未來嚮往的生活.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Google G1

Yesterday, I went to T-mobile store tried the new release G1 that I've been waiting for months. With the passion of Google and faithfulness of T-mobile, it is reasonable to just get it. However, I left the store without carrying this new G1. One of the main reason is G1 black doesn't attract me from it's appearance even though I've lower my expectation the first time I saw the phone on the website. The shell (it is a typical plastic cover with dull surface) and the round edge should be blamed for the failure of design.
If Motorola Razr and Apple i-Phone are considered as revolutionary fashion of phone, G1 is definitely going backward. Plus, there is a rumor that G2 will be HTC Touch HD which has better looking than G1. We don't know if this is going to be true but likely, HTC will improve the design from the first model.
I am going to have second try on G1 white couple weeks later. There may be a chance that white one looks better than black one. Regardless the style, I do admire nicer interface of G phone.
3 more weeks to go, we will see what happen.